Subscription Requirements

  1. Microsoft Universal Print licenses for all subscribed users.
  2. Microsoft Entra ID Account is required to access the Celiveo 365 subscription portal.
  3. The used Microsoft Entra ID Account requires the following roles: (Information at: > Microsoft Entra ID > Roles and administrator)
    1. Print Administrator Role
      To validate user rights to manage MUP manage print queues. This ensures that the subscribing user can also deploy MUP queues.
    2. Privileged Role Administrator Role
      To grant Celiveo Print Management Enterprise Application the rights to manage MUP print queues, print flow and read user metadata information from customer tenant.
      For more information about the detailed Application and Delegation Permissions check Required Permissions.
  4. Valid working credit card or a coupon provided by Celiveo.

Required Permissions

The tables below describe the required permissions required by Celiveo 365 to interface with the customer tenant.

  1. Application Permissions
    Refers to a one time operation to grant Celiveo Print Management Enterprise Application the access to the customer tenant defined resources by a Privilege Role Administrator during the subscription process.
    More information about the need for Privilege Role Administrator Role here.
  2. Delegated Permissions
    Refers to when users login to a Celiveo 365 service frontend like Celiveo Web Admin and Celiveo 365 uses their account to access customer tenant services on behalf of them. Often Delegated services are used in conjunction with Celiveo Print Management Enterprise Application (Application Permissions) to execute tasks.

Application Permissions

Area API Permission Name Access Type Description Celiveo Workflow
Entra ID Graph Directory.Read.All Read Directory Data Get Role Related Objects
Entra ID Graph GroupMember.Read.All Read All group membership User Enrollment, Access Rules
Entra ID Graph Organization.Read.All Read Organization information Subscription Portal, WA Customer Validation
Entra ID Graph RoleManagement.Read.Directory Read Directory RBAC settings WA MUP Management, WA Access Rights
Entra ID Graph User.Read.All Read All user’s profile User Enrollment
MUP Graph Printer.ReadWrite.All Read, Write Read and update printers (print queues) WA MUP Management
MUP Graph PrintJob.Manage.All Read, Update Perform advanced operations on print jobs MUP Printing Workflow
MUP Graph PrintJob.ReadWrite.All Read, Write Print jobs MUP Printing Workflow
MUP Graph PrintTaskDefinition.ReadWrite.All Read, Write, Update Print task definitions MUP Printing Workflow
MUP MUP PrinterProperties.ReadWrite Read, Write Property and attribute of printers WA MUP Management
MUP MUP Printers.Read Read Read printers WA MUP Management
MUP MUP PrintJob.Read Read Metadata and payload of users’ print jobs. MUP Printing Workflow
MUP MUP PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic Read,Write Metadata of users’ print jobs. MUP Printing Workflow

Delegated Permissions

Area API Permission Name Access Type Description Celiveo Workflow
Entra ID Graph Email Read, View View user’s primary email address Celiveo Portals
Entra ID Graph Group.Read.All Read Signed in user’s groups WA Access Rights
Entra ID Graph OpenID N/A Sign user in Celiveo Portals Access
Entra ID Graph Profile Read View users’ basic profile Celiveo Portals
Entra ID Graph User.Read Sign in and Read User’s profile WA Logged in User Attributes
Entra ID Graph User.Read.All Sign in and Read All User’s profile WA User Admin Management
MUP Graph Printer.Create Create, Write Printers (Print Queues) WA MUP Management
MUP Graph Printer.ReadWrite.All Read, Write Read and update printers (print queues) WA MUP Management
MUP Graph PrinterShare.ReadWrite.All Read, Write Read and write printer shares WA MUP Management
MUP MUP Printers.Create Write Create new printers WA MUP Management
N/A Graph / MASL Offline_access Renew Token Refresh auth token with refresh token Celiveo Print-Mobile, Print-Web, My Celiveo

Manage Your Subscription Portal

Once the subscription process is done the access to the portal at is available to users with the following roles:

Role Access Type Subscription Details Active Users Payment and Invoices Billing Information
Print Administrator Read Only
Billing Administrator Read and Write to Billing
Privilege Role Administrator Read and Write to Subscription and Billing
Global Administrator Read and Write to Subscription and Billing

Verifying the access to Microsoft Universal Print

Celiveo 365 administrators need access rights to Microsoft Universal Print.
It is strongly recommended to verify that access directly in Azure portal:
- Connect to using the same account that will be used to login on Celiveo 365 portal
- Open the Universal Print application
- Open the “Printers” blade
If you see a screen with no error message then that account has the needed rights to manage Universal Print queues from the Celiveo 365 WebAdmin portal.
If you see an error screen telling you that account lacks the proper rights and/or license, contact your IT to resolve that Microsoft EntraID configuration, until the printers list appears without any error message.

Manage Administrators Access to Web Admin Portal

Any user with Entra ID Global Administrator Role or Privilege Role Administrator Role has super admin access to the Web Admin. The best practices dictate that super admins should delegate admin rights to specific users or Entra ID OU/Groups, these delegated admins do not require Entra ID Global Administrator Role or Privilege Role Administrator Role. further can be found in the Manage Administrators via OU/Groups.
Admins that synchronize Microsoft Universal Print Queues require Print Administrator Role.

Last modified: 16 September 2024


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