Create a macOS Virtual Printer 365 Queue in the Web Admin portal

You set up a CVP365 Virtual Printer in the Celiveo 365 Web Admin, to generate a secure installation package that will create a local printer connected the the Cloud using certificate-based Zero-Trust-Access security

  1. Login to the Celiveo 365 Web Admin Portal and click on the printers menu.
  2. Click on the “add virtual printers” icon.
  3. Click on the icon for Celiveo MacOS virtual printer, and enter the print queue name that will appear on the end-user Mac.
  4. Ensure you don’t use forbidden character such as space or -. space can be replaced by the underscore character.
  5. Click on Next to start the print queue configuration.
  6. Press + to add a driver and default settings.
  7. Define the Print Queue Name.
  8. Define the Driver Type that macOS CVP365 should use. In case you select a manufacturer driver indicate the printer brand.
  9. Define the Printer Model Number in case you want macOS CVP365 to locate and use the model specific driver in macOS. Note: The driver needs to be installed before macOS CVP 365.
  10. The next step is going to generate and save the package through your browser. The package contains a unique certificate chain used for the Zero-Trust-Access security, protected by a complex password displayed only once. Make a note of that password as it is mandatory to install the generated package and connect to the Cloud. copy the installation package in a secure storage, preferably without the certificate installation password information.

The next step is to install the package on macOS device.

Last modified: 12 March 2025


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