Celiveo 365 uses Cloud endpoints to safely communicate information, get print jobs etc.

Many companies secure their IT using advanced firewalls and proxy.

Celiveo only uses port 443 (https) and all Celiveo 365 Cloud endpoints need to be authorized.
The list of endpoints is listed in the Ports and Communication page.

The following command run in a Windows PowerShell will tell if a remote URL and port is reachable from the network where the PC is attached.
tnc < URL > -port < portNumber >
tnc sb-c365-prd-us.servicebus.windows.net -port 443
If the result report shows TcpTestSucceeded : True then the URL and port are reachable from the PC.
If the result report shows TcpTestSucceeded : False then the outgoing connection is blocked by a firewall, proxy or there is no Internet access, contact your IT to get the URL and port accessible

Last modified: 16 September 2024


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